For the first step, take a scrap piece of fabric and make a pattern for the shape you want.
For each bunting piece, cut two pieces from the pattern, so you can sew them together and hide the raw edges inside.
Put two bunting pieces together, right sides together, and sew around the outside with a 1/2″ seam, leaving the top open.
Turn the bunting pieces right side out and press the seams flat.
Topstitch around each bunting piece to make the seams lay flat.
Repeat for however many bunting pieces you want. This will depend on how long you want the bunting to be.
Take a piece of fabric that is 3″ wide and as long as you want your bunting to be. This will vary, depending on where you want to hang it. I made mine 106″ long this time.
Press the long edges inside, so that they meet in the middle. Then, fold them in half, and press again.
Take your oval bunting pieces and sandwich the unfinished tops inside the casing.
Start sewing them in, being sure to catch both sides of the casing, and the top of the bunting piece, in your seam.
Continue to add in new bunting pieces as you sew. I spaced mine about half an inch apart for this project.
What is a Topstitch?
A topstitch is a stitch that is sewn close to the original seam. It is on top of the garment, or project, and visible when it is complete. Its purpose is to make a seam lay flat.