Yield: 2 oz

Homemade Serum

hands holding DIY serum

DIY facial serum with essential oils for hydrated and glowing skin. Made with just a few simple and natural ingredients, you will want to keep this recipe to make over and over again.

Prep Time 5 minutes
Active Time 5 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes
Difficulty Beginner


  • 5 drops frankincense
  • 5 drops yarrow | pom
  • 5 drops geranium
  • 5 drops lavender
  • 10 drops vitamin E oil
  • Carrier oil of choice - about 3 tbsp


  • 2 oz pump bottle or dropper
  • Funnel


    In a 2 oz bottle, add vitamin E oil and essential oil combination of choice.

    Top with carrier oil of choice.


    Wash face with cleanser of choice, spritz on toner, and apply serum with your fingers in an upward motion.

    Allow to absorb for a minute or two and then apply moisturizer if desired.