This is the home birth story of our 6th baby, Daniel Teddy Paul. It is a positive natural birth story using the Miles Circuit and Bradley Method.

picture of baby with knit hat and swaddle blanket

The name we chose for our 6th Baby

We are so excited to introduce you to our newest family member, Daniel Teddy Paul Bass. We named our 5th child, Micah Bobby Gene, after Luke’s grandpa Bobby Gene. We decided to keep the theme with this little one, using Luke’s other grandpa’s name. 

Grandpa Teddy Paul passed away many years ago, but his lovely wife Clara is so happy the newest grand baby is named after her husband. Luke’s grandpa Bobby Gene passed away this August, but he knew Micah very well for nearly two years. 

We waited three days to choose a name for Daniel, because we were being indecisive. With all four of our boys we waited a while before choosing a name. 

Now that you know our sweet little one’s name, onto the positive home birth story of Daniel Teddy Paul. 

Why it’s important to share positive birth stories

If you base pregnancy and birth strictly off popular culture, these vulnerable times in a woman’s life are a more a source of anxiety and fear than joy and excitement.

People will tell you birth is going to be the most excruciating pain you’ve ever experienced. Pregnancy is a time of severe discomfort. Women readily volunteer their birth horror stories, even to women who are clearly ready to give birth. 

Much of the pain of birth is directly dependent on the fear you go into it with. It is important to fill your head with positive stories. Birth is NORMAL, and when it is left to progress normally it just goes differently. 

I had my first daughter at the hospital. I did absolutely no research and no mental preparations. For my other five kids, I went in prepared. The difference is astounding. 

The most important thing is a healthy mom and healthy baby, but I can tell you from experience fear and expectations really do make a difference!

Of course I still think there is some pain in childbirth, and the very real possibility for complications, but going in with a positive outlook really can help decrease these things!

Read all of my positive home birth stories

Our 5th child- Introducing Micah Bobby Gene- My Bradley Method Home Birth Story

Our 4th child- Jude Matthew was also born at home. I need to share his story!

3rd child- Baby In The Van Story- Eliโ€™s Exciting Arrival!

The Positive home birth story of Daniel Teddy Paul

newborn baby in teal swaddle blanket

I was 40 weeks pregnant on October 15th. Since none of my kids came before the due date, I fully expected to make it to this point. Two of my kids were born exactly two days after, with little Daniel following suit and doing the exact same thing. 

Around 1 AM on October 16th, I woke up with my first real contraction. I had been having Braxton Hicks contractions for several weeks, but this one was real. It started in my lower back and radiated around to the front. In my experience, real contractions also come with low pressure from the baby’s descending head. All that night I continued to have these very real contractions, but pretty irregularly. Some were 30 minutes apart, some 15. 

They were enough to wake me up, so I barely slept at all the entire night. 

In the morning I told Luke what was going on and told him to expect a baby sometime that day.

Contractions Stop

As I got up and around to the chores of the day, making breakfast, shooting some videos for the blog and taking care of the kids, the contractions all but stopped. I would have one here and there, but then they would go away for an hour. 

Contractions Pick Back up Again

By 2 pm, when I was scheduled to go in for my 40 week midwife appointment, they picked back up again. I was getting ready to walk out the door to make the one hour trek to her office, when Luke asked, “Hey, so are you going to bring a bag with you for when you get stuck in the city having a baby?” He clearly wasn’t in favor of me leaving the house while in labor. Since our third child came in the back of the van on the way to the birthing center, he has every right to not believe me when I say, “I’m fine.”

I took my shoes off and decided to take a nap instead of going to the appointment. 

The contractions kept coming. 

Luke loaded up the boys and brought Micah over to his parents house to spend the night. Since he is the toddler, we felt like we could handle labor with all the kids except him. At least all of the older ones could all watch a movie if things got serious. The 22 month old, not so much. 

Am i really in labor?

You would think, as a mom of 6, I would have this whole thing completely down pat by now, but this labor was really confusing me. I knew the contractions were real, and I had to completely relax through them (ie they were strong) but they weren’t getting closer together. 

How long is this labor going to drag on?! I had already been up the entire night before with contractions. The last thing I wanted was to repeat the exact same thing for another night. 

The Miles Circuit

Around 4 in the afternoon, I texted the midwife to tell her my predicament. The contractions are continuing to come every 15 minutes. They are strong, but they aren’t getting any closer together. 

She suggested I do the Miles Circuit, so I did. It basically involves three different positions/exercises, each for 30 minutes that are designed to get baby in the proper position and get things progressing!

Contractions All night long

I continued to have contractions all throughout that night. I started logging them in my phone and noticed they were coming every 12 minutes if I was lying down and every 5 minutes if I was standing up. 

The midwife lives an hour away, so I decided to mostly stay lying down. I was worried that if I stood up much, labor would progress quickly and she wouldn’t make it in time. 

I went back and forth between the couch and the stove, warming up the corn pack I was using for back labor. By 6 am, I decided it was time to call the midwife. The contractions weren’t any closer together, but I thought maybe she could do something to help speed things up. 

The Midwives Arrive

The midwives arrived around 7:10 am. They checked my vitals, blood pressure, the baby’s heartbeat and dilation. They said I was a 6, almost a 7. 

They got me back into the first Miles Circuit position, where I stayed for 30 minutes. This wasn’t my favorite part of this labor, because I was having some very intense contractions and I wasn’t allowed to move from the quite uncomfortable Miles Circuit position. 

After the 30 minute timer went off, the midwives rolled me over for the second Miles Circuit position. 

Within 5 minutes, I felt the urge to push. 

He was born another 5 minutes later, only one hour from when the midwives arrived. 

I would say the Miles Circuit worked to get the baby in position and get things moving!

baby being weighed at home birth

He was 7 pounds 11 ounces, a full pound smaller than our previous baby Micah. He was 21″ long with a 14″ head circumference. 

He cried right away, and looked perfect. 

My first words were “Oh my goodness Luke, it’s another boy!”

I still can’t believe we’ve had four boys in a row!

mom in bed with a newborn baby

Welcome to the world little man!

Related Posts

Daniel is wrapped in a swaddle blanket I made with this tutorial: How To Make Muslin Swaddle Blankets

I knitted Daniel’s hat with this pattern

Pin it for later

baby in knit hat and teal swaddle blanket

Sharing is caring!

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  1. Karolyn Love says:

    Congratulations on the birth of Daniel Teddy!! So happy for you and your family…all I am doing right now is smiling, smiling, smiling at how sweet he looks!! God Bless!!

  2. Pamela says:

    Awww, congratulations!! He really is a beautiful boy. Iโ€™ve had ten children and I would have loved to have had known about that Miles Circuit. Once I was at a 9 for 12 hours! Enjoy this special newborn time; itโ€™s the sweetest!

    1. Lisa says:

      A 9 for 12 hours?! I think I would probably die!

      1. Pamela says:

        Hahaha! I have a wonderful husband and midwife who helped me through it all and everything went smoothly. Natural births are the best (if your circumstances allow, of course).

  3. Donna says:

    Congratulations!!! God bless!!

  4. Nicole says:

    Congratulations to you all Lisa!!! Baby Daniel is beautiful!!! Great job once again-you are so amazing to me!!! Enjoy this special time!!
    Many Blessings, Nicoleโ™ฅ๏ธ

    1. leslie says:

      Thank you for sharing your POSITIVE birthing experience Lisa. I was AAHCC, Bradley Method certified about 30 years ago. Marj and Jay Hathaway were my teachers! My first birth experience was so traumatic that I had to figure out a better way. I went on to teach 100’s of couples how to give birth naturally – including myself with baby number two. With the current climate surrounding women and their bodies I find it surprising that many women don’t appear to research and learn about the birth process and giving birth naturally. So generous of you to share your personal stories. Congratulations on baby Daniel!

  5. Lisa says:

    Congratulations! An adorable healthy baby boy!
    What a blessing! You look beautiful and healthy as well.

  6. Sylvia says:

    Congratulations Lisa. So very glad to meet your precious baby boy. I am so glad things went well for you. Hope to see lots more photos. Would love to see the other kids meeting little Daniel. Best wishes to your family.

  7. Colette Lefebvre says:

    Simply magical…Congratulations to all!! Little Daniel is adorable and precious. Lisa, you rock! Hope everyone is doing well. ๐Ÿ˜Š

  8. Donna says:

    Congratulations on your sweet and perfect baby!

    1. Denise says:

      I be been following your pregnancy over the months and always amazed at how much energy you seemed to have being pregnant with 5 kids and a farm! One amazing woman! Iโ€™m a grandma now , but I never tire of hearing other womenโ€™s birth stories. I still remember mine as if they were yesterday. Congratulations to you and your family and do try to get some rest as you bond with your new son! Godโ€™s blessings on you and your family! ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿคฑ๐Ÿป

  9. Marian says:

    Hi!!! Congratulations!!! Amazing…experience, real story. Love this. He is a healthy, handsome little boy ๐Ÿ‘ฆ. Blessings to the family ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ. I admire you a lot. I am almost 60 (just 58) and can’t stop thinking about your big family and how you manage so well.
    Blessings again and looking forward to your next blog and videos (YT)

  10. Carmen Navarro Palacios says:

    Congratulations, He is perfect!! Blessings to all!!

    1. Tracey Godfrey says:

      Congratulations again & welcome darling little Daniel.
      Wonderful birth story. Well done you.